WebQuest: Immigration to America

Description:  For this assignment we had to create a WebQuest either individually or with a group.  I decided to work with the same group members as the previous assignment since we created such a successful multidisciplinary unit.  We created a WebQuest in Microsoft FrontPage called Immigration to America, where we again combined 11th and 12th grade History and Math classes.  Students in history class would complete worksheets with a Pair Share Partner, define terms, complete an immigration study guide, and create a family tree.  In math class, students would complete worksheets with Pair Share Partner, define terms, complete the ethnicity survey and graph results, complete a study guide, and create a PowerPoint from the immigration study.  There are websites provided for students to complete each task.  Evaluation rubrics are provided for each task.  Further, there is a teacher page that provides standards addressed and tips when using this WebQuest. 


Reflection: As I mentioned in my overall perceptions of this class, I found FrontPage to be very frustrating.  This was my first time working with FrontPage and I didn’t find it user friendly to work with.  There’s a lot of little tricks you need to know and learn when using FrontPage, like to get down to the very next line, you can’t hit ENTER like you’re use to, you have to hit SHIFT and ENTER simultaneously to get to the very next line.  Unfortunately I learned this at the very end of our FrontPage project.  I believe that if I had to do another project in FrontPage it would probably take me half of the time that it did for this project.


I have used a website before, in fact I have my own website through my school district http://www.bville.org, which doesn’t use FrontPage, but it’s just as confusing to set up.  It’s easy to upload my notes each day, but it’s VERY difficult to organize the website just how I want it.  I think they’re both equally difficult to use.  Although, the more you know and explore with, the easier the website set-up becomes.


Click here to view my WebQuest on Immigration to America!



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